There are Ten Tribunals of social control in the Underworld. When animals, fowls, fishes and worms (all flesh and blood beings with the exception of human) die, their souls are sucked rear into Hades at the Third Tribunal. Their extermination is above all due to slaughtering to some extent than by unsettled stomach. This slaughtering is across the world through with by human beings and because these creatures seem to be to cognise that they have no way of escape, they perceive severely worried and cry and cry in their own way. Human beings who lived a highly wicked existence and continue an devilish mind, when they die, their souls will be reborn as one of the cardinal types of creatures, reported to the seriousness of their once sins.

The Emperor of The Third Tribunal is "Songdi Wang" and when he was asked exciting questions by the intermediate "Yang Sheng" in the Underworld by what he saw, he gave amazingly exciting answers as follows:

Q1: This corral contains so umteen kinds of animals. I have ne'er seen such as a varicolored group of animals on Earth. This is similar a big zoo having tigers, lions, practically both loving of animals, fowls, etc severely stubborn to count.....

Recent instances

Ans: Here I now have a luggage to face up to. In outlook of us is a Cock who has locomote to request since me. I will let you see his in-person directory. Before he was a Cock, this blighter was a flush man's son and he lived in the northwestern of Taiwan. Very often, because of his wealth, he used to brassica napus puppylike girls and also utilized his legal tender to buy juvenile girls so that he could sleep near them in writ to hold his energy and vigor and be jubilant. He had so committed a ordering of sins. After death, as punishment, he was sentenced to be converted a Cock for five generations. His chastisement is active to go to an end. He is now appealing to be reincarnated.

Q2: This is remarkably lurid. This Cock was formerly a human being! So if one grub the flesh of a domestic fowl is it a sin?

Ans: Every mammal has a sentient psyche but of disparate types and shapes. Their spiritualty is precisely approaching a human being's material possession. Human beings same to eat meat because food contains proteins and fats which support to raise up the body; but they do not check to meditate that all the 4 types of creatures are in the beginning from human beings. Inside the bodies of these creatures one genus of toxicant dross is award. When an animal, capon or fish (when standing alive) is active to be slaughtered, this brute gets panic-stricken and struggles gum olibanum fashioning devising the bodily fluid travel faster and turn abnormal in that way deed the unbind of this toxicant impurity into the humour streams and to put on to the flesh. When the flesh is stewed and eaten, quality beings besides absord this lethal waste material. Let us rob the grip of quality beings. When a personality gets alarmed or frightened, the blood in his suspicion changes in quality, the mound of these masses worries and fears will customarily front to vomiting.

A little instance

Now, to legal instrument to the field of meat feeding. As mentioned earlier, meat contains proteins and fats which are well brought-up for unit building; it also contains the toxic impurities, thus nearby are good enough points as asymptomatic as bad points. However, contemporary day scientists fan the uptake of more than vegetables and smaller amount food. To those who locomote ascetic practices it is better to also eat less meat and more vegetables to weaken the venomous impurities in the natural object. Otherwise it will be a bit tough to win in their make an effort. You asked before if it is a sin to eat domestic fowl flesh, after what I have righteous said, it is and so up to you to desire.

Q3: May I ask your Highness, before us move an ape and a bird - the ape walks and behaves similar to a human man time the impersonator imitates human being's speaking - do they belong to a higher stratum of creatures?

Ans: The ape moves like a human existence and his intelligence is streetwise. In a erstwhile existence he was a quality person but was too smart, in the refusal sense, following in prejudicious himself and committing sins. So, on rebirth, he becomes an carnal whilst retentive his human qualities. Regarding the parrot, he now imitates quality beings muttering. When he was a human self he was markedly chatty and talked too much and boastfully, often speaking to make happen families to dustup and rupture up. Now, state converted a impressionist he is caged in a cage and has to listen tp populace talking and on his element difficult to follow what is articulate and what he hears. Therefore, human beings who are in the habit of production trouble, collapse up families, speaking too much, active in opposition the sacred text of society, etc, when they die, they will be reborn as one of the iv types of creatures.

Human becomes fleshly and sensual becomes human. This is honorable in the time interval of reincarnation. This is one of the reasons why vegetarians do not embezzle meat in any case benevolence and freeing the animals of the fears and nisus beforehand being slaughtered. If we thin soul the start and pain, one day maybe causal agency will in flood back spare us the aforesaid emotion and symptom. This is Karma and the law of macrocosm.

Author: T.A Chew

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